Frank McKinney - Hardback
Frank McKinney is a two-time international bestselling author, philanthropist, and extreme risk-taker who's best known for his unprecedented success as a real-estate 'artist' and visionary. Renowned for his deep creativity, he introduced his gift to a broad audience of children and the young at heart through his first fantasy novel, Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, and the Good Luck Circle, charging it with fairy-tale wonder, enthralling magic, and page-turning suspense. He and his wife, Nilsa, make their home in Delray Beach, Florida, where he has walked his daughter, Laura, and her friends (sometimes up to 40 adventurers at a time!) to school more than one thousand times and counting. Laura has never been driven to school and, with her fellow 'Dead Fredians,' engages them in adventures, stories, and wildly imaginative games. Visit and Proceeds from all book sales go to benefit the good works of McKinney's Caring House Project Foundation, which provides a self-sustaining existence for some of the most desperately poor and homeless families around the world.