Françoise Charnay-Sonnek Editor

Françoise Charnay-Sonnek has studied foreign languages, nursing, pedagogy and management. She graduated as a Nurse in 1992 from the School of Nursing at University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. She worked as a nurse in oncology and hematology in Germany and moved to France in 1998. She had been nurse manager in the Strasbourg university hospital and later in the Strasbourg comprehensive cancer center.  Françoise was Education Head for the continuous training in oncology at the FNCLCC-EFEC School of Oncology in Paris, and in January 2018 she moved to a new job within UNICANCER as Education coordinator. 

She was engaged in different professional nursing associations, She was a board member of AFIC (French Association of Oncology Nurses) before joining the EONS executive board (from 2007 to 2013). In addition, she became an active member of the EAU (European Association of Urology) guidelines panel team on “pain management and palliative care” from 2012 to 2014. She represented EONS at ESNO (European Specialist Nurses Organization) board before getting in the president 2014. Her mandate ended December 2017 after 5 years leadership.

Anne E. Murphy is currently working as a nurse and genetic counselor in Geneva University Hospital. She graduated as a nurse in 1981 and has been working in Geneva and abroad with “Doctors without borders”. Since 1991, she is active in the field of oncology and has been involved in the Swiss Oncology Nursing Association. She was a member of the EONS education group from 1993 to 1997 and accreditation committee from 1997 to 2005. She represented Europe at ISNCC (International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care) from 2000 to 2004. After a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master in genetic counselling, she has been active in the creation of the Oncogenetics Unit of Geneva University Hospital. Since 2014, she is involved in the first Swiss Helpline for rare diseases. She is currently member of the AFCG (French Association of Genetic Counselors) and President of the Swiss Association of Genetic Counselors.