François Petit Author

Luc Neuberg, Ph.D, is a founding partner of Fair Cost Index.  He is also the Chairman of the Board of ALRiM, the Luxembourg Association for Risk Management. Luc is a Member of the Advisory Committees of the CSSF. In the past, he was the CEO and the head of risk management of BCEE-AM, as well as a board member of diverse investment fund management companies and investment funds. He teaches risk management courses at universities and for professional training institutes. Luc has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals.

François Petit leads a division of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), the supervisory authority of the Luxembourg financial sector, which is dedicated to the supervision of investment fund managers. Before that position, François was in charge of the division responsible for risk management and macro-prudential supervision of investment funds. Prior to joining the CSSF, François was the head of risk and compliance for Amundi Luxembourg. He also led different risk management departments at KBL Luxembourg (now Quintet Luxembourg). He speaks or coaches on risk management and fund management at numerous conferences and seminars. He also teaches courses on strategy at a French university.

Martin Vogt, PhD, is a Professor for Business Intelligence, especially Advanced Analytics, at Trier University of Applied Sciences. He is also a member of the boards of directors of several funds with diverse strategies. Martin previously gained extensive experience in the fund industry as a managing director, a head of risk management and a consultant for several well-known asset managers. The research that he published has received several awards.

Paul Kleinbart has over 35 years of experience in financial services. Since 2001, he has been a trainer in financial services and risk management, both at the university level and for professional training institutes. He has been a member of ALRiM's Board of Directors since 2003 and is responsible for ALRiM’s risk management training program. During his professional career, Paul served as the general manager of European Financial Data Services (now IFDS), a transfer agency, and he held several product management positions at Cedel (now Clearstream).