Francisco Guilherme Nunes Editor

Maria José Sousa (PhD in Management) is a University Professor with Habilitation and a research fellow at ISCTE/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Her research interests currently are public policies, information science, innovation and management issues. She is a best seller author in Research Methods, ICT and People Management and has co-authored over 100 articles and book chapters and published in several scientific journals (i.e. Journal of Business Research, Information Systems Frontiers, European Planning Studies, Systems Research e Behavioral Science, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, Future Generation Computer Systems, and others), she has also organized and peer-reviewed international conferences and is the guest-editor of more than 5 Special Issues from Elsevier and Springer. She has coordinated several European projects of innovation and is also External Expert of COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology and is former President of the ISO/TC 260 – Human Resources Management, representing Portugal in the International Organization for Standardization.

Francisco Guilherme Nunes before joining ISCTE-IUL in a full-time position (2005), worked as HRM Consultant for 5 years and Marketing Researcher for 10 years. After 2005, he taught several courses in HRM and Applied Research Strategies. It was the manager of several programs in the HRM field (undergraduate, master and Ph.D. levels). He was the Director of the Human Resource and Organizational Behavior Department for 4 years. More recently shifted his career to a more research orientation. His research interests are the determinants of organizational performance, organizational identity, and leadership development, especially in highly institutionalized contexts like health care services or public and non-profits.

Generosa do Nascimento is a PhD in Management, specialized in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, by ISCTE-IUL. She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior at ISCTE Business School. She is Director of the Executive Master in Strategic People Management and Leadership, of the Executive Master in Healthcare Services Management and of the Post-Graduation at ISCTE Executive Education. The main areas of research are healthcare management and strategic people management. She has been a member of boards of directors (or advisor) and has extensive consulting experience in Strategic People Management, Healthcare Services Management and Organizational Change in multiple organizations, private, public and social economy, across different business sectors.

Chinmay Chakraborty, SMIEEE is an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India and and Post-doctoral fellow of Federal University of Piauí, Brazil. His main research interests include the Internet of Medical Things, Wireless Body Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Telemedicine, m-Health/e-health, and Medical Imaging.