Francisco Garrido Peña Author

Manuel González de Molina

Full Professor of Modern History. Coordinator of the Agro-Ecosystems History Laboratory (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain). Co-director of Master Degree Program on Agro-ecology at International University of Andalusia from 1996 to now.

Paulo Federico Petersen

Doctorate in Environmental Studies from Pablo de Olavide University (Spain), Master in Agroecology and Rural Development from the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Spain), Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil). Executive coordinator of the NGO AS-PTA - Family Agriculture and Agroecology, vice-president of ABA-Agroecology (Brazilian Association of Agroecology) and editor-in-chief of "Agriculturas: experiencias em agroecologia" magazine.

Francisco Garrido Peña

PhD in Philosophy of Law (Universidad de Granada) and full professor on Politics and Law at Universidad de Jaén (Spain). His research activity is focused on Political Ecology, Ethics and Institutional Design.

Francisco Roberto Caporal:

PhD in Agroecology, Peasantry and History, from the Institute of Sociology and Peasant Studies (Córdoba University, Spain). Master in Rural Extension by Federal University of Santa Maria (1991) and graduate in Agronomy, Federal University of Santa Maria (1975). Currently, he works as Associate Professor of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, in the Department of Education, teaching in Rural Extension.