Francisco Chinesta Author & Editor

Francisco Chinesta is currently a full Professor of computational physics at ENSAM ParisTech (Paris, France). He was (2008-2012) an AIRBUS Group chair professor. He is an honorary fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, plus a Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. He has received many scientific awards in four different fields: bio-engineering, material forming processes, rheology, and computational mechanics. He is the author of 300 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and has made more than 600 contributions in conferences. He is the president of the French association of computational mechanics (CSMA) and director of the CNRS research group on model order reduction techniques in engineering sciences. He is an editor and associate editor of many journals. Since 2013 he has been ESI chair professor on advanced modeling and simulation of materials, structures, processes and systems, and he is the president of ESI Group Scientific Committee. Gilles Ausias is Lecturer at the University of South Brittany, France. His research comprises the fields of rheology and composite processing.