Francis Feld Author

Keith M. Gorse would like to thank all of the certified athletic trainers for their time and personal true stories for a health care profession where new experiences are never ending. Keith would also like to thank his wonderful family (Betsy, Erin, and Tyler), for their continued support through all of the years of clinical and educational athletic training.

Francis Feld would like to thank the athletic trainers that were willing to contribute to this text. We can learn from history, but all too often these episodes are lost to time because they were not told. Confucius said, “Study the past if you would define the future,” and it is our hope that the next generation of athletic trainers benefit from these experiences. Francis would also like to thank his wife Christine for her love and support.

 Robert O. Blanc would like to thank all of the athletic trainers whose stories have, and will, pass on to future generations what this profession is truly about. The professionalism, caring, and dedication that is shown in the details of these stories and the millions of untold stories make what we do so special. Robert would also like to thank his wife Peggy for her unmatched love and support.