Francine Ryan Author

Emma Jones is a senior lecturer in law and Director of Wellbeing at the University of Sheffield’s School of Law. Her research interests focus upon emotions and wellbeing in legal education and the legal profession, and digital lawyering. She teaches modules on digital lawyering.

Francine Ryan is a senior lecturer in law, Co-director of the Open Justice Centre at The Open University in the UK, and a qualified solicitor. Her teaching and research interests are clinical legal education with a particular focus on technology and innovation enhanced learning.

Ann Thanaraj leads the digital transformation of learning and teaching at Teesside University. Her scholarly work focuses on raising the significance of law degrees in preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. She has developed models of digital lawyering to transform law degrees.

Terry Wong is a technologist and entrepreneur based in Hong Kong. Born, raised and educated in the United States, he holds degrees in architecture and management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Terry leads a global team of technologists and designers building and actively investing in technology-led businesses, with interests in legal and financial services.