Francesco Laio Author

Luca Ridolfi is professor and director of the Department of Hydraulics and Fluid Dynamics at Politecnico di Torino. He is the author or co-author of about 100 peer-reviewed articles in ecohydrology, fluvial morphodynamics and bio-geography, river water quality and hydrodynamic instabilities. He is co-author of the book Generalized Collocation Methods: Solutions to Nonlinear Problems (2008). His research areas are in environmental fluid mechanics and ecohydrology. Paolo D'Odorico is associate professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is author or co-author of about ninety peer-reviewed articles in ecohydrology, soil moisture dynamics, global environmental change and desertification. He is editor of the book Dryland Ecohydrology (2006). His research areas are in hydrology and the environmental sciences. Francesco Laio is assistant professor in the Department of Hydrology at Politecnico di Torino. He is author or co-author of about sixty peer-reviewed research articles in ecohydrology, stochastic hydrology and surface water hydrology. His research areas are hydrology, stochastic processes and statistics.