3 authors - Paperback
Francesco Giavazzi is Professor of Economics at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, where he is Vice Chair of the University Advisory Council and was Deputy Rector (2000-2002). He was Visiting professor at MIT (2003-2013).
Francesco Lefebvre D'Ovidio is Professor of History of International Relations at Università “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee for the Publication of Documents on the Italian International Policies at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation. He published a number of studies on international affairs, such as L'Italia e il sistema internazionale 1922-1929 (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura), and edited several collections of Italian diplomatic documents, among which two volumes on La questione dell'Alto Adige/Südtirol 1964-1969 (Poligrafico dello Stato).
Alberto Mingardi is Associate Professor of History of Political Thought at IULM University of Milan, Italy. He is also Director General of Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy’s free-market think tank (www.brunoleoni.it) which he helped establish in 2004. He is an Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute, Washington DC, USA. He holds a PhD in Political Science from University of Pavia, Italy.