Frances Giampapa Editor

Frances Giampapa is a Senior Lecturer in Education (TESOL/Applied Linguistics) at the School of Education, University of Bristol, UK. Using linguistic ethnography, her research focuses on issues relating to language and identities within multilingual contexts as a result of increased global migration. Her contribution to the Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity (2016) investigates the positionalities and field politics of being and becoming an ethnographer.

Suresh Canagarajah is the Erle Sparks Professor and Director of the Migration Studies Project at Pennsylvania State University, USA. His most recent publication is Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations (Routledge, 2013), which won the best book award from AAAL, BAAL, and MLA. He was formerly the editor of TESOL Quarterly and President of the American Association of Applied Linguistics.