Florian Holzherr Author

Florian Holzherr: b. 1970, lives and works in Munich as a photographer and documenter of architecture and art.
Florian Dering: Retired deputy director of the Münchener Stadtmuseum, Head of the department of puppet theatre/showmanship and curator of fairground art; creator of the historical Oktoberfest “Oide Wiesn”.

Markus Götting: After working for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Stern, chief editor at Focus since 2014; his bestsellers Nachts im Sägewerk and Alles Azzurro were published by Ullstein.
Clemens Theobert Schedler: b. 1962 in Gräfelfing near Munich; has lived in Vienna since 1983; works as visual designer and strategic communications specialist.