Florence Ramond Jurney Editor

Florence Ramond Jurney is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Gettysburg College, USA. She has published two critical monographs: Voix/es libres: Maternité et identité féminine dans la littérature antillaise (2006) and Representations of the Island in Caribbean Literature: Caribbean Women Redefine their Homelands (2009).  She also coordinated a special issue of Nouvelles études francophones on Gisèle Pineau’s work (2012).

Karen McPherson is Professor of French at the University of Oregon, USA. She is the author of two critical monographs: Incriminations: Guilty Women/Telling Stories (1994) and Archaeologies of an Uncertain Future: Recent Generations of Canadian Women Writing (2006). She is also a poet and literary translator.