Florence Ligozat Editor

Florence Ligozat is Professor in Comparative Didactics in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Geneva, in Switzerland. During her doctoral and post-doctoral studies, her research focused on mathematics didactics and science didactics. Her current research investigates the didactic transposition of knowledge in classroom practices and the specific / generic dimensions of teaching through the modeling of the teacher and student’s joint actions in different educational contexts. She is particularly interested in cross-cultural comparisons of classroom practices and research traditions in Didactics in European countries. She chaired the French-speaking Association for Comparative Research in Didactics (2012-2016). She is currently convenor of EERA Network 27 Didactics - Learning and teaching, and she acted as Main Link convenor of this network in the period 2016-2021.
Kirsti Klette is a distinguished professor at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo. Her research interests include research on teaching and learning, teaching quality, classroom studies and comparative studies. She has been the principal investigator for several international and comparative projects targeted classroom learning including the large-scale video study “Linking Instruction and Student Achievement” (LISA) analyzing how instructional practices in mathematics and language arts impact student learning, and the “Synthesizing Research on Teaching Quality” (SYNTEQ) summarizing how classroom video documentation develop our understanding of teaching quality. She is also the Director of the newly funded Nordic Center of Excellence “Quality in Nordic Teaching” (QUINT) drawing on comparative classroom video data from all Nordic countries. She is one of the founder of the EERA Network 27 Didactics – Learning and Teaching, and she acts as convenor of this network since 2005.

Jonas Almqvist is Professor at the Department of Education, Uppsala University in Sweden. He is the scientific director of the Research Group for Comparative Didactics. He develops research in comparative didactics with a focus on issues of teaching and learning in different subjects (mainly biology, chemistry and physics) in compulsory school and in preschool. He currently leads the international research network “Comparative didactics and professional development for teachers” funded by the Swedish Research Council. He is currently convenor of the EERA Network 27 Didactics – Learning and teaching and he acted as Deputy Link Convenor of this network in the period 2014-2021.