Florence Clostre Editor

Magalie Lesueur Jannoyer earned her PhD in agronomy in the National Agronomical Institute, Paris-Grignon in 1995. Since 1999, she has been working as a senior researcher at CIRAD (International Research Center for Development). She has more than 15 years of experience in research and development projects in tropical horticultural crop management and environmental impact assessment, as well as in the management of fruit quality and safety. She has developed innovative practices, including eco‐physiological tools and systemic agronomical analysis, to reduce the use of chemicals and promote the ecological functioning of tropical horticultural systems. For the past 10 years, her main subject of interest has been the assessment and management of soil pollution, specifically the case of organochlorine soil pollution in the French West Indies. Her research focuses on (1) the assessment of the impact of this pollutant on food production and safety (pesticide residues), on agro systems (changes in practices), and on the environment (watershed quality); and (2) the elaboration of efficient tools to manage pollution at different scales (field, farm, watershed, territory). From 2008 to 2010, in collaboration with Y.M. Cabidoche (Inra), she coordinated the research activities of the National Action Plan on chlordecone. She co-organized an international workshop on pollution remediation in 2010. She collaborates with national and international research institutions in French and European Union granted projects. She is recognized as an expert by the French Agency of Food Security and Safety (ANSES) and is a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science council.

Philippe Cattan is an agronomist researcher at the research unit GECO (banana and pineapple systems), CIRAD. He graduated from the National High School of Agronomy of Montpellier (ENSAM 1983), holds a PhD in agronomy (National Agronomical Institute, Paris-Grignon 1996), and received a habilitation to conduct researches in 2010 at the University of the French West Indies and Guyana. After working for 13 years on oilseed crops in Africa (Senegal and Burkina Faso), he joined the research team on banana systems in Guadeloupe at the research station of Neufchâteau. Since 1999, his area of concern has been the impact of agricultural practices on the environment. He first studied hydrological functioning of banana plantation at the plot and watershed scales and the impact of agricultural practices on these states, the properties, and the outgoing flows of soil. Notably, he addressed the issue of pesticide fate. Since 2007, he focused on chlordecone through the coordination of two main projects: the first one (Chlordexco, founded par French National Research Agency) aimed to identify the transfer pathways of chlordecone from soil toward plant and aquatic animals; the second one aimed to implement an observatory of agricultural pollution (OPA-C that became OPALE), notably chlordecone. Nowadays, in partnership with other French institutes (BRGM, INRA, IRD) and the University of the French West Indies and Guyana, he coordinates an integrated project called OPALE, Observatory of Agricultural Pollutrions in the French West Indies about the two-way relationship between environmental states and changes in agricultural practices.

Thierry Woignier is director of research, CNRS and IRD (IMBE-Institut Mediterranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et continentale). He is a postgraduate engineer in materials sciences (1980), PhD in physics (1984), postdoctorate in Brazil, Universidade de Sao Paolo (1985), and state doctorate in physics (Université de Montpellier 1993). He directed research teams (Materials Science Laboratory in Montpellier CNRS) and was responsible for research programs on composite materials for aerospace applications, nuclear waste containment, and optical properties. Since 2006, he directs the IRD Physical Properties of Soils at The Caribbean Agro Environmental Campus (IRD Martinique), working on the sequestration of greenhouse gases in soils and on the contamination of tropical soils by pesticide (chlordecone). He is responsible for the research programs from the French Overseas Ministry and an expert in the Office Parlementaire Scientifique et Technique. He is interested in the natural sequestration of pesticides in clays and proposes alternative solutions to decontamination by trapping process. He has a wide range of publications (180 scientific papers and 21 book chapters).

Florence Clostre completed her engineering degree in agriculture from AgroSup Dijon, France, in 2002 with a specialization in tropical agriculture at the Institut Supérieur Industriel agronomique Huy-Gembloux, Belgium. She worked for public or semipublic bodies as an expert in pesticide use in agriculture and associated impacts on user health and on the environment. Since 2009, she has been working with CIRAD, a public research institute specializing in agriculture and sustainable development in tropical and subtropical countries. Clostre’s research focuses on pollutant uptake by crops, especially tropical crops, soil contamination, enhancement of natural pollutant sequestration in soil with organic matter, and more generally on environmental impact assessment. She has published ten papers and collaborated on two book chapters about organochlorine pollution between 2012 and 2015.