Debating Unemployment Policy
4 contributors - Hardback
Laurent Bernhard is a senior researcher at the Swiss Centre for Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS), which is based at Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. Flavia Fossati is Assistant Professor for Social Policy at Universität Wien, Austria. Her research interests include social, labour market and migration policy, labour market integration and discrimination research. Regula Hänggli is a professor specialized in political communication at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. She is also a member of a federal expert group addressing the digital transformation of our society. Hanspeter Kriesi holds the Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics at the European University Institute, Florence. In 2017, he received the Mattei-Dogan Prize. Currently he is working on an European Research Council (ERC) project on the political consequences of the Great Recession in Europe.