Advanced Studies in Efficient Environmental Design and City Planning
6 contributors - Hardback
Dionysia (Denia) KolokotsaDionysia (Denia) Kolokotsa: is Associate Professor at the School of Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece. She is President of the European Cool Roofs Council. She is Editor of Energy and Buildings Journal of Elsevier and she was Editor-in-Chief of the Advances in Building Energy Research. She is Scientific Coordinator of 8 International Research Projects and participated in more than 30 International Research Projects as team leader or researcher. She is the author of more than 100 papers published in high impact scientific journals and conference proceedings. She is author of 4 Highly Cited articles, (1 % of the most cited articles) reviewer of International Research Programs in 10 countries and reviewer of International Editions for Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Springer, World Scientific, EarthScan and Bentham Publishers.
Ferdinando Trapani (Palermo, Italy)Architect, PhD, associate professor in Urban Planning, Department of Architecture, Polytechnics School at the Palermo University (Italy). Coming from professional experiences in urban planning & design, he collaborates in charge of the Department of Architecture to several EU projects and regarding scientific cooperation co-financed by the Structural Funds of EU with local & regional authorities, in the place based policies into Living Labs models for social innovation, urban regeneration, participatory spatial planning practices and social housing. From 2016 he is member of IEREK Scientific Committee organizing scientific international conferences and referred publications. Actually is involved in Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscape project (Erasmus+) and in some other Interreg Program projects regarding design to all kind of people to cultural heritage.
Dr. Nabil MoharebDr. Nabil Mohareb is an Associate Professor; he has more than eight years of administrative experience as the Director of Faculty branch of Architecture- Design & Built Environment in a newly established branch in Tripoli campus- Beirut Arab University, Lebanon.His research is focusing on the relationship between architecture and urbanism; he is interested in social behaviour activities, their mutual effect on both spatial and economic variables in urban spaces, and their interrelationship with architectural design using digital simulation in forecasting their movements and behaviour. He has developed and planned an area of personal research, which is reflected in his several published papers in refereed journals and international refereed conferences, in addition to the work of his postgraduate students. Dr. Nabil has participated in number of funding research related to understanding social behaviour activities. With regards to his teaching experience, Dr. Nabil has worked for a number of distinguished universities in Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. Over the past eighteen years of teaching experience, he has gained an understanding of dealing with multinational and multicultural environments. Recently, he is using ‘Design-Build’ method in post-graduate design studios to involve the students more with the construction industry (digitally and traditionally).
Dr. Norsidah Ujang
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsidah Ujang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia. She received her PhD in Architectural Studies from Universiti Putra Malaysia; Masters in Urban Design; Diploma in Architecture (RIBA Part II) from Oxford Brookes University, U.K. and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Miami, USA. She engaged with CNL Architect & Designers and Arkitek Rekabina before joining the academia. She was appointed as a Deputy Dean (Academic and Student Affairs/Alumni) (2008-2013); and attached as a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Planning and Urban Studies, MIT under the UTM-MIT Sustainable Cities Program (Cohort 2015-2016).
Dr. Sreetheran Maruthaveeran
Dr. Sreetheran Maruthaveeran is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He was a researcher at the Urban Forestry and Landscape Unit, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) for 13 years before joining the academia. Sreetheran obtained his PhD from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in Landscape Architecture and Planning. His research falls into a number of themes such as environmental behaviour, landscape visualisation, urban greening, urban forestry and arboriculture. His PhD work was on "fear of crime in urban parks in Kuala Lumpur". He is also keen in using visualization methods in his research. Sreetheran has been involved in a range of international networking and project activities. One of the highlight is the collaboration project between the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark since 2007. The project entitled "Multipurpose Forestry in a Changing Society" has been funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Apart from the research, consultation projects particularly from the urban forestry and arboricultural perspectives such as tree risk assessment and inventory at golf courses, embassies and botanical gardens have also been conducted by him. Sreetheran has produced about 70 publications, including books, reviewed proceedings, journals and popular writing. He has two books to his credit namely Hazardous Trees (2009) and Seni Tanaman Hiasan Dalaman (2015). He has also vast experience as a reviewer for several journals such as Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, Forest Science and Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. He has reviewed several conference proceedings and school textbook at the national level. Sreetheran currently holds the position as the Deputy Coordinator for the Urban Forestry Section (6.07.00) under the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Austria. He is also a Certified Arborist under the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), USA since 2007.