Felix Ng Editor

Professor Andrew Fowler is a Research Professor at the University of Limerick and Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He was an undergraduate and then graduate in mathematics at Oxford, and completed his thesis on glacier dynamics in 1977. Following this, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Trinity College Dublin and then an Assistant Professor at MIT. He returned to Oxford as a Lecturer in 1985 and was promoted to Professor in 2014. In 2007, he was appointed Stokes Professor at the University of Limerick, and was appointed a Research Professor there in 2012.

Dr. Felix Ng is a Reader in Theoretical Glaciology at the University of Sheffield. Having grown up in Hong Kong and attended middle school in the UK, he read the undergraduate degree in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. There, he subsequently completed his D.Phil. in Mathematical Glaciology at the Mathematical Institute in 1998. In the following years, he held postdoctoral research positions at Oxford, the University of Washington, and MIT. He was appointed a Lecturer in Glaciology at the University of Sheffield in 2005, before being promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2012, and to Reader in 2018.