Felix Müller Author & Editor

Hendrik Schubert is Professor in Aquatic Ecology at the University of Rostock, Germany. His research interest is brackish water ecology with focus on the ecophysiology of autotrophs. Since 1998 he is also working on the biogeography of aquatic macrophytes, exploiting their potential for bioindication of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. He has taught aquatic ecology at the Universities of Greifswald and Rostock for about 30 years.

Felix Müller has studied Biology and Geography at the Universities of Kiel and Regensburg. His PhD thesis about soil-geographical investigations on the fate of pesticides and nutrients in ecosystems was published in 1987. Since that time he worked at the Ecology Centre of the University of Kiel. Between 2010 and 2020 FM was affiliated as leader of the Department Ecosystem Management at the Institute for natural Resource Conservation of Kiel University, working on ecosystem theories, models and ecosystem services. In 2020 he was retired. FM has been editor of more than 20 books and special issues and has published more than 250 scientific papers. He was editor-in chief of the journal “Ecological Indicators” and board member of a number of journals.