Felix Kwok Author & Editor

Martin J. Gander is a full professor in mathematics at the University of Geneva. He was previously a postdoctoral fellow at École Polytechnique and professor of Mathematics at McGill University. He has held visiting positions at Paris 13, University of Nice, RICAM, University of Amiens, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, University Henri Poincaré, and the CNRS. Professor Gander held the Pólya Fellowship at Stanford, a TMR Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation, and an FCAR strategic professorship from Quebec. Together with Felix Kwok, he won the SIAM 100-Dollar 100-Digit Challenge, and with Albert Ruehli the best paper award at the 19th IEEE EPEPS conference.?His main research interest is in numerical analysis, specifically parallel iterative methods for space-time problems.

Felix Kwok is an assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University, before which he spent six years at the University of Geneva. In 2017, he held a visiting position at Université Côte d'Azur. He was awarded a Canadian Governor General's Silver Medal for academic excellence at McGill University and was the recipient of FCAR and NSERC doctoral fellowships while at Stanford. Together with Martin J. Gander, he won the SIAM 100-Dollar 100-Digit Challenge, and in 2018 he was the recipient of the HKBU President's Award for Outstanding Performance as a Young Researcher. His research interests are in scientific computing, particularly the numerical solution of PDEs and its applications in physics and engineering.