Felicity Taylor Author

Rosalie Hutton BSc, MSc, MCIPD, is an Occupational Psychologist who has specialised in the field of assessment and testing for 25 years. As CEO of her own company, Rosalie has designed and published a range of psychological assessment measures and is the co-author of a number of assessment books on multiple-choice questions. Glenn Hutton BA, MPhil, FCIPD, is a consultant to organisations concerned with recruitment and selection by way of assessment or examination. Previously a Police Superintendent and Head of the National Police Training Examinations and Assessment Unit, he co-authors books on criminal law and assessment. Felicity Taylor BA (Hons) Oxon, MBBS, is a junior doctor at Guy′s, King′s and St. Thomas′ hospitals in London. She has coached hundreds of prospective students through the application process to read medicine, and is currently a Tutor with Oxbridge Applications.