Federico Subervi-Velez Author

Federico Subervi-Vélez is Honorary Associate/Fellow of the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Communication. The research for this book was developed while he was Visiting Leverhulme Professor at the School of Media & Communication at the University of Leeds in 2018.

Sandra Rodríguez-Cotto is an investigative journalist, licensed Public Relations professional, author, and publishes regularly in her blog En Blanco y Negro con Sandra, in which she often writes about the media in Puerto Rico

Jairo Lugo-Ocando is a Professor in Residence and Director of Executive and Graduate Education at Northwestern University in Qatar. He is author of several books and publication focused on the media in Latin America and was a practicing journalist before going into the academia.