Faraz Mehmood Author

Dr. Nazia Irshad is associated with Dawood University of Engineering and Technology as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics.  Her field specialization is in the Mathematical Inequalities and Applications.

Dr. Asif Raza Khan is an Assistant Professor and HEC Approved PhD Supervisor at Department of Mathematics, University of Karachi. His field of research is Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Convex Analysis, Time Scale and Numerical Integration. He is the author of a monograph entitled “General Linear Inequalities and Positivity: Higher Order Convexity”.

Dr. Faraz Mehmood has a PhD from the University of Karachi. He has been working at Dawood University of Engineering and Technology since November 2009 and presently serving his duties there as an Associate Professor of Mathematics. His field of research is Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Convex Analysis, Time Scale and Numerical Integration.

Prof. Dr. Josip Pečarić  is a Croatian mathematician. He has recently retired as a professor of mathematics from the Faculty of Textile Technology at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and is a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has written and co-authored over 1,500 mathematical publications.