Computational Methods in Molecular Imaging Technologies
4 authors - Paperback
Dr. Amit Kumar is the CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of BioAxis DNA Research Centre (BDRC) Pvt Ltd. His research interests are in the field of Reverse Vaccinology, Forensic Bioinformatics, DNA Forensics, Rational drug discovery, Forensic Criminology and Police Administration etc. He also serves as the Chairman of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Hyderabad Section and the Treasurer for IEEE Hyderabad Section.Mr. Fahimuddin Shaik is with Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (an Autonomous Institute), Rajampet, A.P., India working as an Assistant Professor in Dept. of ECE. He is BOS Member of the Department and also held a position as the Academic Council Member of the Institute. His research interests include Signal Processing, Time Series Analysis and Biomedical Image Processing. He chaired a Session at IEEE International Conference (ICMET-2010) held in Singapore on 11 September 2010. He also authored a book called Medical Imaging in Diabetes in 2011.