Fabiana Cardetti Editor

Madelyn W. Colonnese is an assistant professor in the Reading and Elementary Education Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She teaches undergraduate elementary education courses and graduate courses in mathematics education. Her research focuses on mathematical writing. Students are often encouraged to write in mathematics class however, this writing does not always engage students in writing to advance their mathematical understanding. As a member of the Elementary Mathematical Writing Task Force, she helped to clarify the purpose of mathematical writing, as writing to reason and to communicate mathematically. She is currently investigating ways to support teachers with this instructional practice and to engage students in mathematical writing.

Tutita M. Casa is an Associate Professor in the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut with expertise in elementary mathematics education. Her scholarship is focused on discourse, and she is a leading scholar in mathematical writing. She directed the Elementary Mathematical Writing Task Force, with funding from the National Science Foundation, to concretely establish this aspect of discourse in the scholarly literature. Dr. Casa is dedicated to creating and testing the impact of materials and models to advance elementary students' abilities to write, particularly to ensure those typically marginalized in mathematics classrooms have more opportunities to have a voice to reason mathematically. She also has extensive experience developing and researching the efficacy of advanced mathematics units for elementary students through Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians (Grades K-2) and Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds (Grades 3-5). These two federally funded endeavors produced units fostering a discourse-rich mathematics learning community, eight of which were awarded the Curriculum Studies Award by the National Association for Gifted Children. Dr. Casa also has extensively published for research and practitioner audiences, including in Educational Leadership, Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for Research in Mathematics, Journal of Writing Research, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, School Science and Mathematics, Teaching Children Mathematics, and Young Children.

Fabiana Cardetti is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on ways to improve the mathematics education of students and teachers. In particular, she works on examining learning experiences that provide opportunities for each learner to authentically engage in doing mathematics. Fabiana's research work includes the design of such experiences as well as the study of their implementation, uptake, and subsequent revisions or refinement. In addition, she works collaboratively in interdisciplinary groups capitalizing on the synergy across different disciplines to investigate the enhancement of STEM education from Kindergarten to Graduate School. She currently leads or co-leads several projects supported by external funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF).