Molecular Imaging in Oncology
3 contributors - Paperback
Since 2008 Professor Dr. Fabian Kiessling is leading the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging at the Helmholtz Center of Applied Engineering of the RWTH-University in Aachen. Aim of his research is the development of novel diagnostic probes and imaging tools for a disease specific diagnosis and therapy monitoring. In this context, the main focus is on the investigation of angiogenesis related processes. Fabian Kiessling studied Medicine and graduated at the University of Heidelberg. Until the end of 2002, he worked as resident in the Department of Radiology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. In 2003 he changed to the Department of Medical Physics in Radiology of the DKFZ as leader of the Molecular Imaging group. In parallel he did his clinical training at different Departments of the University of Heidelberg and received the board certification as clinical Radiologist in 2007. Fabian Kiessling habilitated in experimental radiology in 2006. He is author of more than 240 publications and book chapters, received several research awards, among those the „Emil Salzer Price for Cancer Research” and the “Richtzenhain Price”. Shortly after his change to the RWTH-Aachen University he founded the invivoContrast GmbH together with Professor Matthias Bräutigam, which is distributing diagnostic probes for the preclinical market.