Christian and Lyric Tradition in Victorian Women's Poetry
F Elizabeth Gray - Paperback
Richard M S Wilson has been active internationally in educational policy-making on the interface of accounting education and training for more than 40 years; has worked as an accounting educator in more than a dozen countries; has published widely; is the founding editor of Accounting Education: an international journal; and holds two Lifetime Achievement Awards (one specifically for his work in the field of accounting education). F. Elizabeth Gray is Associate Head of Massey University’s School of Communication, Journalism, and Marketing, New Zealand, where she teaches courses in professional writing, editing and publishing. She has ongoing research interests in written and oral communication demand in scientific and business workplaces, as well as in the fields of nineteenth-century journalism. Lynn Hamilton is Associate Professor and Director of Management Communication Programs at the McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, U.S.A. She teaches managerial writing, communication strategy, oral presentation skills, media relations, and crisis communication. She has a particular interest in organizational and professional storytelling.