Evgenia Krasteva-Blagoeva Editor

Evgenia Krasteva-Blagoeva, Ph.D is Associate Professorin the Department of Anthropology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia. Her research interests are in consumer culture, ethnography of socialism and postsocialism, urban anthropology, communities and identities in the Balkans, names and name giving.  Member of the Executive Commitee of InASEA - International Association of Southeast European Anthropology (2007-2014, 2016-2018) and elected President of InASEA (2014-2016). She was twice guest lecturer in the Institute of Ethnology, University ”Ludvig Maximilian”, Munich (2006,2008) and in Konitsa Summer School of Balkan Anthropology (2006,2008). Leading scholar in several research projects such as ”Fast Food and Slow Food Culture in the Beginning of 21st century” and ”New Consumer Practices: Anthropological Perspectives”. Author of The Personal Name in Bulgarian Tradition (1999, in Bulgarian), editor in chief of Total Sale. Consumer Culture in Bulgaria (2014, in Bulgarian) author of more than 30 articles in refereed journals and edited volumes in English and German.