Well Said Intro
2 authors - Paperback
Linda has pursued her interest in first and second language pronunciation for over forty years. She has taught ESL students at Georgia Tech, international teaching assistants at Emory University, and graduate students in applied linguistics at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Her special interests are applying pronunciation research to practice and integrating pronunciation into the oral communication curriculum. She is the author of two pronunciation texts, Well Said and Well Said Intro (National Geographic Cengage) and the editor of the teacher resource volume Pronunciation Myths (University of Michigan Press). Eve Einselen Yu has been in the field of English Language Teaching and Linguistics for twenty years. She fell in love with the field as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Slovak Republic. Since then, she has taught students of all levels and ages in Hiroshima, Japan; Semarang, Indonesia; and New York City. She has also taught future teachers of English at Hunter College and in Central Java. Eve has developed or written both print and digital ELT content for over eight years.