Euston Quah Editor & Author

Euston Quah is Albert Winsemius chair professor of economics and director of the Economic Growth Centre at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is also editor of the Singapore Economic Review and president of the Economic Society of Singapore. Professor Quah has published widely in the fields of cost-benefit analysis, environmental economics, and law and economics. Contributing to more than a hundred publications, inclusive of academic journals and lead opinion pieces in media, Professor Quah has also served as external reviewer for some economics schools in various universities in Asia. Some of his works have been selected for inclusion by the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics in the UK as well as received favorablereviews in such leading journals as Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Literature, and the Journal of Labour Economics. His textbook with E.J Mishan, now in its 6th edition (Routledge, UK, 2020), is regarded as a classic text in this subject and used bymany universities and governments. It was listed for reference by the US Office of Management and Budget and also by the US Department of Transportation. Professor Quah was listed in Google Scholar Profiler in 2020 as among the top ten most highly cited university economists in the area of cost-benefit analysis in the world. Formerly vice dean of the Faculty of Arts and SocialSciences at the National University of Singapore and headed the economics departments at both Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore, Professor Quah has been and continues to be advisor to many government ministries in Singapore. Professor Quah chaired the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at NTU. He is a member of the SocialSciences Research Council of Singapore, board member of the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore, and board member of the Market Surveillance and Compliance Committee of Singapore’s Energy Market Company. Professor Quah is a recipient of the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2020.
Professor Renate Schubert is a professor of economics and a dedicated researcher and teacher. Her key focus is on behavioral economics, environmental and energy economics, social and political analyses, as well as digitization topics. Besides research and teaching, Professor, Schubert is an advisor to governmental committees and an experienced expert in assessments of research projects and research institutions. For many years, Professor Schubert has been professor of economics at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). In 2015 she joined the Singapore-ETH Center (SEC) to run projects in the FRS (Future Resilient Systems) program as well as in the Cooling Singapore and Heat Safe Singapore cluster. She has been involved in projects coping with the mitigation of urban heat effects, assessing the costs and benefits as well as the citizens’ willingness-  associated with different mitigation measures. Measuring, modelling, and enhancing social resilience in case of natural but also pandemic disasters is part of her project portfolio. Furthermore, Professor, Schubert’s research has been focused on adequate measures to induce behavioral changes with respect to the consumption of natural resources. Hereby, the existence of positive and negative spillover effects are of special importance. The work mostly relies on empirical studies including lab experiments, field experiments, and questionnaire-based surveys. Professor, Schubert has been the author of high-rank publications, but also reaches out to decision-makers to foster and support sustainable decisions. Professor, Schubert has been member of various juries, evaluation committees, and research networks worldwide. She chaired the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) as well as the external advisory board of the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University. Professor, Schubert initiated the ClimPol (Climate Policy Making for Enhanced Technological and Institutional Innovation) initiative within the ETH Domain and was a member of the advisory board of the Rachel Carson Center in Munich. For many years, she was the chair of the supervisory board of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Professor, Schubert has been a member of the OcCC (Organe Consultatif sur les Changements Climatiques) of the Swiss Government as well as of the Advisory Group to the Swiss Government on the Agenda 2030.