Eugenia Toledo Editor

Carolyne Wright is the author of nine books of poetry, four volumes of poetry in translation from Spanish and Bengali; and a collection of essays. She teaches for the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts’ MFA Program and for Seattle’s Richard Hugo House. She is a contributing editor for the Pushcart Prizes. Eugenia Toledo was born in Temuco, Chile, grew up in the same neighborhood as Pablo Neruda, and came to the U.S. for doctoral studies after her university instructorship was eliminated following the 1973 military coup. She has published four books of poetry and a creative writing text in Spanish. An award-winning bilingual manuscript of poems is Trazas de mapa, trazas de sangre / Map Traces, Blood Traces. With her husband, Toledo divides her time between Temuco and Seattle. M. L. Lyons was born and raised in Southern California by her Iranian father and American mother. As a longtime advocate for women’s rights, she created the first Women in the Arts Festival at the University of Washington. Her poetry and prose have appeared in Raven Chronicles, and Pontoon, among other publications.