Eugene Schneller Editor & Author

Christine Harland is Professor of Supply Strategy, School of Management, University of Bath, UK. She directs the Collaborative for Research in Strategic Purchasing and Supply (CRiSPS) and is the co-founder of the International Research Study of Public Procurement (IRSPP). She has co-authored world-leading texts and case books in operations management and public procurement. She was President of the UK Health Care Supply Association from 2004-2011. Her current research is on evidencing and improving value in healthcare supply chains, and using public procurement to deliver broader policy and strategy objectives. Guido Nassimbeni is Professor of Economics and Business Strategy at the University of Udine, Italy, where he is Dean of the Management Engineering Faculty. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Operations Management, Operations Management Research and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. His research interests are centred in the fields of purchasing and supply strategy, buyer-supplier interactions and relationships, internationalization of manufacturing and supply activities. On these topics he has published books and many articles in a number of leading journals. Eugene Schneller is Professor of Supply Chain Management and Dean’s Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar, Department of Supply Chain Management, W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He co-directs the Health Sector Supply Chain Research Consortium. His book, Strategic Management of the Health Care Supply Chain, provides an assessment of the complex relationships linking hospitals, suppliers, distributors and clinicians. His current research has a focus on the transfer of supply chain progressive practices from a variety of sectors into health care.