Israel, The Ingathering Goes On
Esther Lever - Paperback
Esther Lever (1932 -2018) is perhaps best described as a modern-day warrior, tirelessly and relentlessly battling to find the far flung, forgotten Jewish people and urge them to make Aliyah to their spiritual home. Many of her breath-taking exploits are described in this re-release of her second book "Israel, the Ingathering Goes On." Hers was a life of resolute faith encapsulated in the words of Ruth 1 v 16 -17 "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, your God my God. Where you die, I will die and there I will be buried." She travelled to "the ends of the earth" following her calling, from the Artic wastes of Kamchatka in the Former Soviet Union and other parts of Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Tibet, China, India, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Iran, and Syria. Every chapter bears testimony to the faithfulness of God and the fulfilment of His word which takes place in plain sight. Esther Lever was one of those extraordinary people one meets perhaps once or twice in a lifetime; people who impact one's life in a way that is inspiring and thrilling and cause us to yearn for a deeper walk with God.