Estella Weiss-Krejci Editor

Estella Weiss-Krejci is an archaeologist and social anthropologist. She received a PhD and a venia docendi from the University of Vienna. Her research interests include ancient Maya water management and mortuary behavior, and dead-body politics in prehistoric, medieval, and post-medieval Europe. She has been a recipient of grants awarded by the Austrian Science Fund, the Portuguese Science and Technology Fund, and the Fulbright Commission. Her research results have been published in peer reviewed international journals and edited books. From 2016 to 2019 she was the Austrian PI of the HERA / EU Horizon 2020 DEEPDEAD project (Deploying the Dead: Artefacts and Human Bodies in Socio-Cultural Transformations). 

Sebastian Becker gained a first-class undergraduate degree in Archaeology & Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. As part of an EU-funded research project, he completed a successful PhD, also at the University of Cambridge, focusing on later prehistoric art in Central Europe. His research took him to France and, more recently, Austria, where he has been researching the uses and re-use of (pre-)historic bodies as part of the HERA / EU Horizon 2020 DEEPDEAD project (2016–2019). He currently lives in Berlin.

Philip Schwyzer is Professor of Renaissance Literature at the University of Exeter. He received his BA and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Interested in links between literature and archaeology, he has led interdisciplinary projects including ‘Speaking with the Dead’ (2011–2014), ‘The Past in its Place’ (2012–2016), and the HERA / EU Horizon 2020 DEEPDEAD project (2016–2019). His books include ‘Shakespeare and the Remains of Richard III’ (2013), and ‘Archaeologies of English Renaissance Literature’ (2007).