Global Public Management
3 contributors - Paperback
Professor Kathleen M. Callahan is Assistant Professor of public administration at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. She is co-author with Marc Holzer of Government at Work (Sage, 1998). In addition, she is the author of numerous journal articles on citizen participation, public sector productivity improvement, and privatization. Her most current research focuses on citizen participation in local government. Dr. Dorothy Farr Olshfski is Associate Professor, Graduate Department of Public Administration, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. She is the Managing Editor of Public Productivity and Management Review. In addition, she has published articles in numerous academic journals including, Public Administration Review, Public Productivity and Management Review, Administration and Society, Review of Public Personnel Administration, International Journal of Public Administration, and Western Political Science Quarterly. Previously, Dr. Olshfski served as Chair, Section on Management Science and Policy Analysis, American Society for Public Administration. Professor Erwin Schwella is Professor and Director of the School of Public Management, University of Stellenbosch, Bellville, South Africa. He has published widely in academic journals and is co-author of two texts published in South Africa, Public Resource Management (Juta & Co, Kenwyn ) and Public Management (Juta & Co, Kenwyn).