Paul's Letter to the Colossians
6 authors - Paperback
George Stevens is a retired schoolteacher who lives in Ipswich. He became acquainted with the Lord from a young age attending a Baptist Sunday School and Young Sowers League. During his teenage years, he attended an Anglican church. He gained assurance of salvation in a Brethren assembly in Hounslow at about the age of twenty-three. He has gone on to serve the Lord in a wide variety of ways including preaching and teaching. Douglas Pettman has always been a resident of north London. He qualified as a chartered accountant and did National Service with the army. His business years were spent first within the profession. This was followed by directorships of several companies in this country and abroad. He is now retired. He is still involved in various aspects of church life, particularly in support of missionary work around the world and at home. Ernie Brown was born "between the wars" on Tyneside, which was then a major engineering production area. On leaving school, he received engineering training at a large engineering company there. On completion of his training, he served as a sea-going engineer with a major oil company for three years. The remaining years of his employment were spent with major energy supply companies in the North. Since retiring early from his secular employment, he has been engaged in Christian work in various parts of the UK, and occasionally abroad, as opportunity has arisen. George Bell (1922-2004) was originally from Tyneside. His job as a college lecturer in engineering led him to West Drayton and then to Birmingham. In his later years he settled in Ipswich with his family. He was much respected for his manner of life and as a Bible teacher both locally and nationally. Gordon Kell is much in demand as a Bible teacher, especially in dealing with practical subjects. He and his wife, June, a nurse, whom he married some 45 years ago, have long had an interest in helping and encouraging young Christians. They have one daughter and four grandchildren and live on the outskirts of Grimsby. He occasionally lectures at the New Tribes Mission and has broadcast on Truth for Today since its beginning. David Anderson lives in Newcastle on Tyne where he attends Edgefield Gospel Hall. He is married to Gillian and they have four adult children. David worked in the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients sector of the chemical industry for 40 years as an analytical chemist, a quality manager and then as a company director before becoming a consultant. For many years, he was involved in organising children's summer camps at Fenham Farm, Northumberland. He is currently involved in preaching and teaching amongst Brethren assemblies and conferences. He also works as a tutor for UK and overseas students with Emmaus Bible School correspondence courses. John Rice (1946-) spent his working life in IT education, management, training and consultancy. He has both a written and oral ministry, and edited "The Interpreter", a magazine for young Christians. In retirement, he is involved in digital publishing with Scripture Truth Publications, of which he is a trustee.