Activists Forever?
Erik Neveu - Paperback
Olivier Fillieule is a professor of political sociology at the Institute for Political Historical and International Studies (IEPHI), research director at the CNRS (Paris 1-Sorbonne) and a member of CRAPUL (Research Center on Political Action, University of Lausanne). He has extensively published on social movements and political commitments, among those are: Demonstrations (with D. Tartakowsky, 2017) and Social Movement Studies in Europe: The State of the Art (with G. Accornero, 2016). Erik Neveu is Professor of Political Science at Rennes University. He co-authored Introduction aux Cultural Studies (with Armand Mattelart, 2008), the first French textbook supplying a comprehensive presentation of anglophone Cultural Studies; and Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field (with R. Benson, 2004).