Handbook of Cognitive Task Design
Erik Hollnagel - Hardback
Gunilla Sundström is a global professional and consultant with a passion for Financial Services, Outsourcing/Offshoring and R&D. She has a proven leadership, execution and innovation track record in several areas including outsourcing/offshoring, decision support and analytics for operations, resilience engineering, governance and risk management. She has held leadership positions in a variety of industries including R & D, Financial Services and Global Sourcing. She currently holds the position of Head of Global Sourcing at Deutsche Bank. Gunilla Sundström has published more than 60 papers; holds two US Patents and has been awarded IEEE-Systems, Man and Cybernetics' outstanding contributions award. She currently serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Human Computer Interaction and the International Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work. She holds a Dr. Phil. degree from the University of Mannheim, Germany. Erik Hollnagel (Ph.D., psychology) is Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, Professor and Industrial Safety Chair at École des Mines de Paris (France), and Professor Emeritus at University of Linköping (Sweden). Since 1971 he has worked at universities, research centres, and industries in several countries and with problems from several domains, including nuclear power generation, aerospace and aviation, air traffic management, software engineering, healthcare, and land-based traffic. His professional interests include industrial safety, resilience engineering, accident investigation, cognitive systems engineering and cognitive ergonomics. He has published more than 250 papers and authored or edited 17 books, some of the most recent titles being The ETTO Principle (Ashgate, 2009), Resilience Engineering Perspectives: Preparation and Restoration (Ashgate, 2009), Resilience Engineering Perspectives: Remaining Sensitive to the Possibility of Failure (Ashgate, 2008), Resilience Engineering: Concepts and Precepts (Ashgate, 2006), and Barriers and Accident Prevention (Ashgate, 2004). Erik Hollnagel is Editor-in-chief of the series Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering and is on the editorial boards of nine international scientific journals.