Deutsche Volkskunde
Erich Schmidt - Paperback
Anton C. de Groot, 1980-2002 dermatologist in private practice in two hospitals in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. PhD 1988: Adverse Reactions to Cosmetics. Author of over 500 publications including 70 book chapters and 14 books, of which 4 are international (mainly for dermatologists) and 10 in Dutch for general practitioners, medical students, skin therapists, podiatrists/pedicures and (parents of) patients with atopic dermatitis. Regularly teaches dermatology to medical students at the University of Groningen. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Dermatitis (specialized in contact allergy). Co-founder and former 10-year Editor-in-Chief of the Dutch Journal for Dermatology and Venereology.
Anton C. De Groot is an honourary member of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, he was specifically recognised for his contributions to the field through his series Monographs in Contact Allergy
Further information can be found on the author's website www.patchtesting.info
Erich Schmidt completed his studies in business economics at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Bavaria, Germany. Since he first began working with essential oils in a middle-sized German company that designed and produced perfume compositions, his interest in analyzing the compositions of essential oils increased. He eventually established an analytical laboratory and as the use of aromatherapy grew in Germany, he provided information about risks, safety evaluation, and genuineness of essential oils. In 1995 he was chosen as the German responsible representative of the International Organization for Standardization’s Technical Committee 54, Essential Oils. Since 2005, he has authored or coauthored more than 90 publications in numerous journals, and contributed two chapters to the Handbook of Essential Oils.