Grammar Advantage
2 authors - Paperback
Eric S. Nelson is Associate Professor of Humanities at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He works on Chinese, German, and Jewish philosophy. He is the author of Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought (2017) and Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other (forthcoming). He co-edited with François Raffoul the Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger (2013) and Rethinking Facticity (2008); with John Drabinski, Between Levinas and Heidegger (2014); with Giuseppe D'Anna and Helmut Johach, Anthropologie und Geschichte: Studien zu Wilhelm Dilthey aus Anlass seines 100. Todestages (2013); and with Antje Kapust and Kent Still, Addressing Levinas (2005). He has edited special topic issues of the journals Frontiers of Philosophy in China and the Journal of Chinese Philosophy.