Reviving the Tribe
Eric Rofes - Hardback
Eric Rofes was one of the first openly gay schoolteachers in the United States and founded one of the first programs for queer youth in Boston in the 1970s. He currently is Associate Professor of Education at Humboldt State University on the coast of Northern California where he teaches a course on queer issues in schools and leads a program that credentials elementary school teachers. A long time gay community activist, he has served as founding chair of the Boston Lesbian & Gay Political Alliance, executive director of the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center, and director of Shanti Project, San Francisco's pioneering AIDS service group. He has published twelve books including Socrates, Plato & Guys Like Me: Confessions of a Gay Schoolteacher and, with coeditors Mary Louise Rasmussen and Susan Talburt, Youth and Sexualities: Pleasure, Subversion, and Insubordination In and Out of Schools. He lives in San Francisco and Arcata, California.