Eric Mangez Editor

Mathieu Hilgers is Associate Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Anthropology) and has been visiting researcher in many universities, more recently at Harvard University and University of London (Goldsmiths). His research focuses on the relationship between urbanization, capitalism and state building and discusses theory on globalization, social class and neoliberalism. He has published more than 45 papers in scientific journals and books some of which specifically discuss the work of Bourdieu. His most recent book is Une Ethnographie à l’échelle de la ville (Paris, Karthala, 2009) Eric Mangez is Professor of Sociology at the University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium, where he teaches sociological theory, research method, and political sociology. He has published several papers and books that exploit Bourdieu’s field theory. He is author of Réformer les contenus d’enseignement. Une sociologie du curriculum (Paris: PUF, 2008) and co-editor of the World Yearbook of Education 2014.