Eric Hiariej Editor

Eric Hiariej is a researcher at Universitas Gadjah Mada. His major publications include Politik Jokowi: Politik Pasca-klientelisme dalam Rantai Ekuivalensi yang Rapuh (Jokowi’s Politics: The Politics of Post-clientelism in Fragile Chain of Equivalence) (2017), Sejarah Politik Kewargaan di Indonesia (The History of Citizenship Politics in Indonesia) (2016), The Rise of Post Clientelism in Indonesia (2015), Globalisasi, Kapitalisme dan Perlawanan (Globalisation, Capitalism and Resistance) (2013), Islamic Radicalism and Religious Consciousness (2012), Aksi dan Identitas Kolektif Gerakan Islam Radikal di Indonesia (Identity and Collective action of Islamic Radicals in Indonesia (2010) and Materialisme Sejarah dan Politik Kejatuhan Soeharto (Historical Materialism and the Politics of the Fall of Soeharto (2004). His most recent research activities include the Baseline Survey on Democracy in Indonesia (2013–2014), Beyond Liberal Politics of Recognition (2015), Mapping and Evaluating De-radicalisation and Disengagement Programs in Indonesia and the Philippines (2015) and Islamic Fundamentalism and the Problems of Democracy in Indonesia (2014).

Kristian Stokke is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oslo, focusing on civil society, democratisation, and peace in South and Southeast Asia. His current research focuses especially on citizenship politics in Indonesia and the politics of peace and democracy in Myanmar. Stokke has published academic articles, book chapters, and books on politics and development. His most recent books include Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-economic Rights in South Africa (edited with Peris Jones, 2005), Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation (edited with John Harriss and Olle Törnquist, 2004), Rethinking Popular Representation (edited with Olle Törnquist and Neil Webster, 2009), Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics (edited with Olle Törnquist, 2013) and Liberal Peace in Question: The Politics of State and Market Reforms in Sri Lanka (edited with Jayadeva Uyangoda, 2011).