Eric-Hans Kramer Editor & Author

Eric-Hans Kramer is a Professor of Management and Organization Studies at the Netherlands Defense Academy. Before that, he was an Associate Professor of Human Factors and Systems Safety at the same organization. He is currently working on several research projects concerning organizational issues in the military. 

Tine Molendijk is an interdisciplinary-minded cultural anthropologist specialized in the areas of violence, military culture and mental health, in particular post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and moral injury. Her PhD research focused on the role of political practices and public perceptions in moral injury in Bosnia and Afghanistan veterans. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Military Sciences at the Netherlands Defense Academy (NLDA) and a Research Fellow affiliated with Radboud University, the Netherlands. Her publications include the award-winning book Moral Injury and Soldiers in Conflict: Political Practices and Public Perceptions (Routledge, 2021).