Look, I Made a Book
2 authors - Paperback
Eric Enongene Ekembe is senior lecturer in the Department of English at The Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) Yaounde, Cameroon. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and TESOL and is interested in postcolonial discourse in ELT and has published research articles in peered-reviewed journals. He is co-editor of Interdisciplinarity in the 21st Century Global Dispensation: Research in Language, Literature, & Education in Africa. Eric is coordinator of CAMELTA Research Group and outreach coordinator of IATEFL ReSIG.
Lauren Harvey is the Assistant Director of Second Language Writing at the University of Arizona in Tucson, USA. She develops, trains new teachers for, and teaches foundations writing courses designed for students who do not speak English as their primary language. Her research focuses on the curriculum knowledge and enactment of second language writing instructors. Other interests include the teaching of English as a global language and critical memetic literacy.
Eric Dwyer is a program leader and associate professor in Foreign Language Education at Florida International University in Miami, USA where he in an instructor of foreign language teaching methods and a researcher in multilingual education.