Scared Text
Eric Baus - Paperback
Eric Baus was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1975. He is the author of The To Sound, selected by Forrest Gander for the Verse Prize (Wave Books, 2004), Tuned Droves (Octopus Books, 2009), and Scared Text, selected by Cole Swensen for the Colorado Prize for Poetry (Center for Literary Publishing, 2011). He is a graduate of the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as well as the PhD program in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Denver. For several years he has made technical, critical, and editorial contributions to digital audio archives of contemporary literature. Notes on PennSound, a series of commentaries investigating various aspects of the sonic and social environment of online poetry recordings recently appeared in Jacket2. He has taught creative writing and literature courses at Naropa University, University of Denver, University of Hartford, Regis University, and University of Massachusetts. An essay and exercise based on his experience working with elementary school students through the Writers in the Schools (WITS) program was published in the anthology Open the Door: How to Excite Young People About Poetry (McSweeney's, 2013). With Andrea Rexilius, he co-edits Marcel Chapbooks. He lives in Denver.