Handbook of the Shapley Value
3 contributors - Paperback
Encarnación Algaba is Full Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics II of the Advanced Engineering School at the University of Seville and research member in the Mathematics Research Institute of Seville University (IMUS). She also received her Ph.D. degree in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Seville. Her main research line is about Cooperative Games on Combinatorial Structures and their applications, with relevant contributions in the area. She is in the Editorial Board of Journal of Dynamics & Games. She has served as evaluator of projects at national and European level. She has organized diverse Streams in International Conferences and workshops on Game Theory. She has been invited speaker and guest researcher in various leading universities.
Vito Fragnelli is Associate Professor of Game Theory at University of Eastern Piedmont. His scientific contributions are on Cost allocation problems, Operations Research games, Bankruptcy games, Fair division, Electoral systems, Co-insurance games, Emergency management with more than 130 papers, more than 90 of which with international diffusion. He is in the Editorial Board of Operations Research and Decisions; he edited two books and five special issues related to different fields of Game Theory and Operations Research. He was Italian representative in the SING committee; he was responsible of several research projects; he organized several International Meetings and Workshops; he was invited speaker at various Workshops. He organizes and directs the series of Summer Schools "Game Theory and ..." from 2012 and was involved in several other Schools. He was visiting professor at several universities.
Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano is Full Professor of the Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science at the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche (UMH). He is a senior researcher of the Research Institute "Center of Operations Research (CIO)" of the UMH of which he was among the founders and was its director from 2004 to 2007. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Murcia. He has more than 80 scientific papers published in journals, books and proceedings. He is in the Editorial Board of the journals TOP and Journal of Dynamics & Games. His research interests are focused on game theory and its applications, scarce resource management, bankruptcy problems, cost/profit sharing in joint logistic projects and optimization of complex systems.