Emőd Veress Editor

Attila Menyhárd is full professor of private law, head of department and dean of Eötvös Loránd University Law School in Budapest, Hungary. President of the Advisory Board to the Curia (e.g. highest court in Hungary); member of the Operative Committee for Recodification of the Hungarian Civil Code; fellow of the European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL). His research interests cover among other things tort law, contract law, property law, company law, trusts, law and economics, human rights in private law, the relations and borderlines of private and public law and the private law aspects of European law.

Emőd Veress is full professor of private law and head of department at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca, Romania; arbitrator and attorney. Secretary general of the “Societas — Central and Eastern European Company Law Research Network”; member of the “European Society of Comparative Legal History.” Author of a very succesful Romanian

study book on the general part of the law of obligations and of a monograph on suretyship contracts. His research interests cover among other things law of obligations, creditor protection in company law and insolvency law, comparative private law.