Emir Bektic Author

Emir Bektic (BA) is a student of the Game Studies and Engineering programme at Klagenfurt University. Daniela Bruns (MA) until recently worked as a university assistant at Klagenfurt University and organizes the university's annual Game Pics Event. Her research focused on cultural studies, popular culture, and videogames. Sonja Gabriel (Prof. Mag. Dr.) is a professor for media literacy at the KPH Vienna/Krems, teaching teachers in the use of digital media. Her research is focused on digital game-based learning and its teaching values. Florian Kelle (BA) is student of the Game Studies and Engineering programme at Klagenfurt University. He is writing his master's thesis on archaeological approaches to videogames with a focus on object-oriented ontology and hyperobjects. Gerhard Pölsterl (Mag.) works for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Family and Youth, focusing on media and pedagogy. He also teaches media-related courses at the University of Vienna and organizes the annual FROG conference. Felix Schniz is the co-founder and programme director of the master's programme Game Studies and Engineering at Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. His research focuses on experiences in virtual worlds, promenadology, genre theory, and the subjective quality of the medium videogame.