Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
5 authors - Paperback
Dr. Igor Linkov is the Risk and Decision Science Focus Area Lead with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, and Adjunct Professor with Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Linkov has managed multiple risk and resilience assessments and management projects utilizing MCDA in many application domains, including critical infrastructure, environment, transportation, energy, homeland security and defense, supply chain and cybersecurity. He has published widely on environmental policy, environmental modeling, and risk analysis, including twenty books and over 350 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in top journals. He is Elected Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Society for Risk Analysis
Emily Moberg is a theoretical ecologist with degrees in environmental engineering and biological oceanography from MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She has worked on systems ranging from phytoplankton to fisheries and agriculture. She specializes in using optimization methods to better understand linkages between human behavior and natural resources.
Benjamin D. Trump is a governance scholar with specific interests in emerging technologies and complex systems. His work is global and comparative, including an ORISE Fellowship for the US Army Corps of Engineers in the United States, a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and a Research Internship for the Institute of Occupational Medicine (Singapore). In 2016 Dr. Trump received his PhD from the University of Michigan in Health Services Organization and Policy.
Boris I. Yatsalo is Professor and Head of Information Systems dept. at the Institute of Intelligent Cybernetic Systems of the IATE National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, Obninsk-Moscow. He has been managing several international projects on developing models and computer systems for optimization of protective measures on radioactively contaminated lands. His thesis in 2004 was devoted to creation and application of GIS-based Decision Support Systems within remediation of contaminated territories. He has published more than 90 papers in Russian and international journals, book chapters and conferences. His interests include Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and management, specifically Fuzzy MCDA and Fuzzy Intelligent Systems.
Jeffrey Keisler is Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is an expert in Decision Sciences, in which he earned a PhD at Harvard, and has 30 years experience in industry, government, consulting and academic settings. He has published nearly 70 journal articles and two books on methodological and applied topics. He served as President of the INFORMS Decision Analysis Society and as President of the Specialty Group on Decision Analysis and Risk within the Society for Risk Analysis, and was awarded the Decision Analysis Society’s Publication Award for his co-edited book “Portfolio Decision Analysis” and was named a Fulbright Distinguished Chair.